INDIGO Hotel is a five-star hotel in the Moran Street, Westminster, California. Built in 2000 by VNVN, it has 209 rooms and is located close to the administrative centre of the city, 20 minutes from the airport. Nearby are the Central Bank, establishments, museums and theatres, and shops and markets within a 1 km radius.
The hotel has restaurants, a bar, night club, health club, swimming pool and tennis court. The hotel is an important location for international conferences and many notable politicians. Go to INDIGO Hotel guests are offered 5 star service and enjoy the works of culinary heights in the restaurant as well as wines and cocktails at the bar top. There are rehabilitation centers and beauty spa always make you forget all the fatigue of a modern day treatments with high-end luxury cosmetics and professional staff...
INDIGO Hotel born with the motto "The best offer discount on hotel booking in Vietnam" to help you solve the problem that you are facing when looking for a haven of good quality.
INDIGO HOTEL14902 Moran St Suite B., Westminster, CA 92683
PHONE NUMBER: 714-988-5388